Originally posted on Tumblr on April 13 2024

Alt text: Three side by side images of New 52 Tim Drake. Left is Tim being lifted into the air by Jason in a gymnastics move. Middle is a headshot of Tim in gymnastics uniform. Right is Tim kneeling at Superboy's feet, shaking

This is to celebrate me reading every appearance of Tim Drake in New 52 - which, by the way, don't bother!

As someone who's read a lot of New 52 Tim (and New 52 in general) I'll provide a medium-length reading list of key Tim appearances, in rough chronological order. This should be enough to get a fairly complete sense of Tim's character, his background and his character arcs through New 52, while hopefully avoiding some of the especially bad bits of the New 52 (which isn't exactly known for its stellar quality of writing).

Tim is a frequent-ish background character in some of New 52's Batfamily comics - namely Batman Eternal and Batman & Robin Eternal; he doesn't make frequent appearances in Batman or Detective Comics. Tim has main appearances in almost all of Teen Titans (2011 and 2014).


  • Batman (2011) #0/2
  • Teen Titans (2011) #0
  • Batman & Robin Eternal (2015) #5
  • Teen Titans (2011) #1-5
  • Teen Titans (2011) #7
  • Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) #8
  • Batman and Robin (2011) #10
  • Teen Titans (2011) #10
  • Teen Titans (2011) #18
  • Teen Titans (2011) Annual #3
  • Batman Eternal (2014) #36
  • Teen Titans (2014) #1-8
  • Teen Titans (2014) Annual #1
  • Teen Titans (2014) #9-12
  • We Are Robin (2015) #7
  • Teen Titans (2014) #20
  • Teen Titans (2014) #24
  • =31 issues.


  • Batman 2011 #0/2 (backup). A fairly short appearance, but enough to get some sense of character. New 52 Tim is a super-genius gymnast, but also a cocky little shit with an ego that desperately needs a check. Technically this is the earliest chronological Tim appearance we see in the New 52.

  • Teen Titans 2011 #0. This is Tim's origin story. I'm not saying it's necessarily good or interesting (especially for anyone who knew or loved postcrisis Tim), but it is key reading. (Extra credit: Secret Origins 2014 #3/3 (backup) is basically the same story, but is interesting for its focus on Tim's connection to Jason when becoming Robin).

  • Batman & Robin Eternal 2015 #5. So what happens to Tim's parents? This is an interesting look at his feelings towards them (and towards Dick). Chronologically, the main plot of this issue comes much later, but it's interesting character context for Tim so I'd suggest you read it sooner.

  • Teen Titans 2011 #1-5. Sorry, but we have to delve into New 52 Teen Titans sooner or later. I won't reccommend you necessarily read the whole series (it has many a dull, cringe or downright bizarre arc) but these first few issues are pretty crucial with Tim forming his team.

  • Teen Titans 2011 #7. Tim sends himself on a suicide mission. We might start to notice a pattern of him totally ignoring general team opinion when it comes to Superboy.

  • Red Hood and the Outlaws 2011 #8. Scroll through whatever horny Lobdell dreck is going on in the rest of the issue, and you'll find a few pages of conversation between Tim and Jason. This is an interesting look at their established friendship (notably different from postcrisis).

  • Batman and Robin (2011) #10. Tim has a nasty rivalry with Damian. Damian points out some of Tim's insecurities - namely that the line in the sand that stops Tim from being a killer is more fragile than Tim would like to admit.

  • Teen Titans 2011 #10. This is the really gay Teen Titans issue where they're all half naked for some reason. Keep an eye on Tim's developing relationship with Kon (and with Bunker).

  • Teen Titans 2011 #18. Tim responds with a lot of emotion to Damian's death despite their former difficulties. Also, the Teen Titans have a boat!

  • Teen Titans 2011 Annual #3. The end of the Teen Titans... well, if they hadn't decided to follow up with a second run. But this is sweet, character-focused writing, showing a more introspective/insecure side of Tim.

  • Batman Eternal 2014 #36. An interesting look at Tim from Harper's perspective (and Julia Pennyworth's). Nice art, too.

  • Teen Titans 2014 #1-8. The Teen Titans are back! Overall, I think TT2014 has better quality writing than TT2011, so if you want to read one of the series in full then you'll probably find TT2014 less infuriating. The first few arcs on TT2014 (focusing on Manchester Black and S.T.A.R. Labs, plus Kon's exit) is probably about as good as the series gets. Tim's dynamic with Manchester Black is really interesting.

  • Teen Titans 2014 Annual #1. Superboy's back! He's accused of mass murder, but Tim decides to veto the team's opinion and invite Kon back to their flat, because he can't seem to ever say no to Kon.

  • Teen Titans 2014 #9-12. Tim butts heads with the others over what to do with Superboy. This is where it gets REALLY gay. Like, kneeling on the ground beating on Kon's chest begging him to stay kind of gay.

  • We Are Robin 2015 #7. Beautifully choreographed fight scene between Tim and Jason. Tim appears throughout the Robin War event, but I wouldn't say most of those appearances are particularly interesting from a character perspective.

  • Teen Titans 2014 #20. Tim is frustrated with his team - as you probably would be, if you'd been "training" these guys for quite a lot of in-world time and they still can't fight their way out of a paper bag. It's an interesting look at Tim as a leader but also an outsider.

  • Teen Titans 2014 #24. Tim Drake Fucking Dies! (Yeah, this is responding to his death in Rebirth Detective Comics #940. No, it doesn't make sense to me either.) A sweet if somewhat generous look at Tim's character through the eyes of his friends after his funeral.